# HELP ledger_stable_memory_pages Size of the stable memory allocated by this canister measured in 64K Wasm pages. # TYPE ledger_stable_memory_pages gauge ledger_stable_memory_pages 0 1719952675735 # HELP ledger_stable_memory_bytes Size of the stable memory allocated by this canister. # TYPE ledger_stable_memory_bytes gauge ledger_stable_memory_bytes 0 1719952675735 # HELP ledger_cycle_balance Cycle balance on the ledger canister. # TYPE ledger_cycle_balance gauge ledger_cycle_balance 75338172312220 1719952675735 # HELP cycle_balance Cycle balance on the ledger canister. # TYPE cycle_balance gauge cycle_balance{canister="icrc1-ledger"} 75338172312220 1719952675735 # HELP ledger_transactions_by_hash_cache_entries Total number of entries in the transactions_by_hash cache. # TYPE ledger_transactions_by_hash_cache_entries gauge ledger_transactions_by_hash_cache_entries 11 1719952675735 # HELP ledger_transactions_by_height_entries Total number of entries in the transaction_by_height queue. # TYPE ledger_transactions_by_height_entries gauge ledger_transactions_by_height_entries 11 1719952675735 # HELP ledger_transactions Total number of transactions stored in the main memory. # TYPE ledger_transactions gauge ledger_transactions 1178 1719952675735 # HELP ledger_archived_transactions Total number of transactions sent to the archive. # TYPE ledger_archived_transactions gauge ledger_archived_transactions 23000 1719952675735 # HELP ledger_balances_token_pool Total number of Tokens in the pool. # TYPE ledger_balances_token_pool gauge ledger_balances_token_pool 115792089237316200000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 1719952675735 # HELP ledger_total_supply Total number of tokens in circulation. # TYPE ledger_total_supply gauge ledger_total_supply 1539655924977 1719952675735 # HELP ledger_balance_store_entries Total number of accounts in the balance store. # TYPE ledger_balance_store_entries gauge ledger_balance_store_entries 594 1719952675735 # HELP ledger_most_recent_block_time_seconds IC timestamp of the most recent block. # TYPE ledger_most_recent_block_time_seconds gauge ledger_most_recent_block_time_seconds 1719947993 1719952675735